venerdì 6 dicembre 2013

The First Italian Neuroimmune Pharmacology Conference: Varese (I), 15-16 November 2013

The first Italian neuroimmune pharmacology (INIP) conference sponsored by SIF - Italian Society of Pharmacology took place November 15th-16th 2013 at the University of Insubria, under the auspices of the SIF Working Groups on Inflammation and on Neurodegenerative Disease. Overall, 37 abstracts were received, from more than 53 institutions, belonging to 18 universities and 20 academic and non-academic biomedical research organizations.

The opening address of the conference has been given by Dr. Howard E. Gendelman, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience of the University of Nebraska Medical Center USA and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology. The keynote lecture has been given by Dr. Sujit Basu of the Department of Pathology at the Ohio State University USA who presented the most recent research achievements concerning dopamine-mediated regulation of angiogenesis in tumors and in normal wound tissues and the implications for the use of dopaminergic agents for non conventional therapeutic indications, such as endometriosis, wound repair and as adjuvant drugs in anticancer chemotherapy.

Among the authors of the 20 abstracts selected as oral communications, the Scientific Committee of the Conference awarded the best three ones with the International Neuroimmune Pharmacology Graduate Student Prize, established thanks to a generous grant from JNIP. The young researchers awarded were: Silvia Franchi (University of Milan, Italy, who presented her latest results concerning stem cells as advanced therapy of neuropathic pain), Natasa Kustrimovic (University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, who is developing a research program about the dopaminergic modulation of the immune response and its relevance for the pharmacotherapy of Parkinson's disease) and Irene Paterniti (University of Messina, Italy, who is testing the neuroprotective effect of palmitoylethanolamide and luteolin on secondary inflammatory process associated with CNS pathologies).

* Final program of the Conference
* Abstracts - Convegno Monotematico SIF - Neuroimmune Pharmacology: Challenging Paradigms Beyond Boundaries. J. Neuroimm. Pharmacol. 2013, in press
* Editorial - Cosentino M., Marino F., Cuzzocrea S., Di Luca M. Neuroimmune Pharmacology: An Emerging Discipline for the Italian Society of Pharmacology. J. Neuroimm. Pharmacol. 2013, in press
* Photoshoot

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